The AnatomyShow BLOG

How Important Is Alignment? alignment yoga anatomy yoga postures yoga practice Jan 07, 2021

As it turns out, not very much.
Alignment can look good.
Sometimes it makes postures and movements easier.
But what get’s us to a certain alignment?
It’s the actions and engagements of muscles.
Maybe let’s focus on that. Engagement is important.

Let’s take a step back to...

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How can yoga teachers benefit from knowing yoga anatomy? alignment fascia health yoga anatomy yoga postures Jan 04, 2021

Oslo Yoga,  hosted a panel discussion on yoga anatomy as part of their international yoga festival on January 4, 2021.
On the panel were:

Mark Stephens

Anna Kristina Kavli,

and me, Chris Kummer ...

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Happy Hips - Strength and mobility around your hip joint fascia yoga anatomy yoga postures Dec 14, 2020

Modern hips.

Modern hips are hips used to sitting on chairs. Or simply sitting a lot.

How many people have told you already that sitting too much can make your hip area tight? This tension can include the hip ligaments, the hip-flexor muscles and a lot of  other associated muscles and fascia...

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The Simple Secret to Better Balance in Yoga Poses alignment real life yoga anatomy yoga postures yoga practice Dec 10, 2020

This yoga anatomy tip will help you improve your balance in handstand and othert balance postures.

Anytime you want to attempt to practice a balance yoga posture you need to follow this principle to be successful. if you aim to balance for longer than it takes to take a quick photo.
These balance...

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Your Ankle Position Influences Your Knee Function alignment fascia yoga postures yoga practice Nov 17, 2020

Your Ankle Position Influences Your Knee Function

The inside structure of your feet is not clearly visible from the outside. When you learn about the significance of the foot structure at the ankle joint you can understand the influence of your foot arches and the ankle position on the knee joint....

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Front Splits - It's not (just) the Hamstrings alignment yoga postures yoga practice Nov 01, 2020

In the range of postures associated with modern yoga practice, front splits are one of the most frequently aspired to, along with wheel pose, and head- and hand stands.

Difficulties accessing and practicing  front splits / forward splits / hanumanasana, are often considered to be tight...

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Yoga Practice - Sitting at a Desk alignment health real life Oct 24, 2020

It’s quite common to hear people say ‘I’m going to my yoga class now’ or ‘I'm going to practice yoga’.
Many teachers and instructors also promote ‘yoga off the mat’.
All this sometimes really puzzles me.

Even if we were to reduce yoga practice to...

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Locust Pose - Practical Yoga Applications alignment health real life yoga postures yoga practice Oct 07, 2020

Watch this video for a look at locust pose to support your sitting posture.

Don't we often find ourselves sitting slumped using our arm or hand to prop us up when at a desk or table? This is quite an external body support.

In this video, we’ll take the first step and focus on the muscles...

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Practical Applications of Yoga Postures - Chair Pose real life yoga postures yoga practice Sep 23, 2020

Hi my friends,

let’s take a look at a practical application for yoga poses.

When we’re honest, many yoga poses are positions we’re not really encountering in our daily life.
But when we pay attention, we can notice how some postures, especially transitions or elements of the pose...

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What To Do About Clunks In Loose Joints fascia health yoga postures yoga practice Sep 22, 2020

What do do about clunks in loose joints

Recently a few people have asked me about clunks and instability in their joints.
The people described themselves as hypermobile.
Joints can crack and ‘clunk’ for a number of reasons. This video examines these clunks in more mobile people.


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Skipping Rope and Yoga Practice fascia yoga postures yoga practice Sep 21, 2020

You might be wondering what skipping rope has to do with yoga.

Well, it doesn't and it does.

On the one hand it's quite obvious we do not do skipping and hopping movements, especially not repeatedly, in yoga practice.

On the other hand, you can also see from skipping rope, or in fact, any kind of...

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Handstands VS Footstands shoulders yoga postures Sep 18, 2020

This video introduces major differences in structure and support for the shoulder joint compared to the hip joint.

Superficially, this comparison elicits more laughter than serious considerations.

Those of us who have tried, can readily say standing on our hands is more difficult than standing on...

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