Yoga Anatomy Course

What All Movement & Yoga Teachers Need To Know

This is a comprehensive fascia-based online yoga anatomy course that teaches you to be an effective and safe yoga teacher or movement instructor.


Modern Fascia-based Yoga Anatomy Education

Today's practice can't rely on yesterdays anatomy understanding. That's why this course is build on modern fascia-based anatomy.

Over 100 Videos and PDF downloads

This course is organized into over one hundred videos over ten sections filled with  knowledge and practices in both video and written format. 

Assessments to Check on Progress

Always know where you are at. Get direct feedback from the assessments at the end of each chapter. Motivation comes from knowing you got it right.

Want to Learn More?

Why You Need to Take This Course

In recent years, our understanding of the dynamic, moving body has undergone a revolution, changing the way we understand movement and yoga practice. For the most part, however, yoga anatomy education has not kept up with this shift, leaving a significant gap in the industry. This Yoga Anatomy Course fills that gap.

Today’s understanding of yoga postures and movement is based on fascia– the soft tissue structure that connects the entire body from head to toe. This fascia-based model has superseded the ‘old’ model, which was based on just muscles, bones and levers.

The fascia-based model makes it much easier to recognize and appreciate the engagements necessary for movement and to understand the effects of movement in one part of the body on other parts of the body. This integrated fascia-based perspective of movement is critical for performance, efficiency, sustainability and injury prevention.

However, while most people have heard of fascia, few of the available sources grasp its application to movement and, instead, impart an overly simplified, and sometimes incorrect, understanding of fascia and movement.

This Yoga Anatomy Course is based on over 20 years of studying, investigating, teaching and working with movement practitioners and its contents have been used and tested on over one hundred yoga and Pilates teacher trainings all over the world. Chris also specializes in fascia and movement injuries and has clinically treated thousands of clients with injuries and chronic postural problems by applying his fascia-based understanding of yoga and movement.

This course includes over 100 separate online videos comprising of more than 20 hours of education in total. It also includes quizzes for each topic area to evaluate your practical understanding of the materials.

Your purchase includes lifetime access so you can study at your own pace, and easily refer back to topics when you need a refresher.

This course can also be incorporated into Yoga Teacher Trainings and other movement courses as it fulfills the requirements for Yoga Alliance certification.

The topics addressed in this course include:

  • Fascia in the body
  • Fascia based practice
  • Tensegrity and posture
  • Joints and movements
  • Muscles and muscle actions
  • Bones, bone strength and remodelling
  • Foot structure - bones and arches
  • Foot movements and engagements
  • Feet as postural foundations
  • Knee joint structure and function
  • Knee hyperextension
  • Thigh muscles for three dimensional movement
  • Pelvis structure and positioning
  • Hip socket and hip support
  • Hip flexors
  • Pelvic floor
  • Sacro-iliac joint stability and movement
  • Spinal structure and spinal curves
  • Spinal integrity and movement interactions
  • Spinal discs and ligaments
  • Core and back muscles
  • Abdominal muscles
  • Shoulder joint
  • Shoulder movements
  • Shoulder muscles
  • Shoulder support and stability
  • Rotator cuff muscles and functions
  • Wrists and hands
  • Elbow stability
  • Respiratory system architecture
  • Breathing muscles
  • Breath mechanics and function
  • Breath physiology
  • Cardio-vascular system
  • Heart and bloodflow
  • Blood pressure in postures
  • Breath and Blood pressure

The fascia-based model makes it much easier to recognize and appreciate the engagements necessary for movement and to understand the effects of movement in one part of the body on other parts of the body. This integrated fascia-based perspective of movement is critical for performance, efficiency, sustainability and injury prevention.

However, while most people have heard of fascia, few of the available sources grasp its application to movement and, instead, impart an overly simplified, and sometimes incorrect, understanding of fascia and movement.

This Yoga Anatomy Course is based on over 20 years of studying, investigating, teaching and working with movement practitioners and its contents have been used and tested on over one hundred yoga and Pilates teacher trainings all over the world. Chris also specializes in fascia and movement injuries and has clinically treated thousands of clients with injuries and chronic postural problems by applying his fascia-based understanding of yoga and movement.

This course includes over 100 separate online videos comprising of more than 20 hours of education in total. It also includes quizzes for each topic area to evaluate your practical understanding of the materials.

Your purchase includes lifetime access so you can study at your own pace, and easily refer back to topics when you need a refresher.

Get Our Training Program Today

Click the button to get the training program now and start being part of the modern movement practitioner's group who understand the body as integrated and connected. This is the tool to build more confidence in your practice and teaching. The opportunity is right here, right now... You just need to take it.

"Wonderful Anatomy course that provides a wide range of detail that is not only applicable to yoga but to strength training, everyday awareness of the body and how to improve your practice and your physical health. You will learn about the skeletal and anatomical systems like never before and you will be surprised how quickly the fluent information can help you to adjust your own practice and be able to help others. "

Toronto, Canada

"I would have paid $5000 to know how to simply properly walk on my feet and understand my body both inside and out. Anatomy was never explained to me with so much understanding and simplicity, but also through such a fun and enjoyable process."

Roxanne Voth

"I love the ā€˜alternativeā€™ understanding of anatomy - based on movement and function. This is anatomy for movers and makes so much sense and is so immediately applicable."

Beth Landau-Halpern

"I was very excited to learn how the Anatomy Show makes fundamental yoga practice efficient and significant important knowledge such as fascia, pelvis, spine etc. Thank you."

South Korea

"I learned a lot. This Anatomy Show is extremely useful for anyone."


"Chris adds infinite dimensions to anatomy. This show is not about two dimensional pictures and latin muscle names. It lets you dive deep into your body from toe to head, question the status quo and make you discover why we do asanas in the first placeā€¦ and what we can do differently!"


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